How to Prepare PoolMMS for the Next Season
Follow these steps to prepare your organization’s PoolMMS account for the upcoming season:
Login to PoolMMS as an Admin by going to
Note: If a user is affiliated with multiple organizations they must pick the correct one. -
In the Admin sidebar under Club Administration select Settings.
Note: If you do not see this option, your account may not have the access level required to access this. Please contact your organization’s administrator. Note: If your organization is not a “Club” the section may be labeled something else, for example “Association Administration”.
On the right sidebar select End/Start of Season Actions or scroll down until you see these options.
Click Deactivate ALL Members and wait for the action to complete. This may take a minute.
Note: Once this step is complete, all members will be marked as inactive, and their ID cards will no longer be functional. -
Click Reset ALL Welcome Emails and wait for the action to complete. This may take a minute.
Note: Once this step is complete, PoolMMS will be ready to send welcome emails to members for the next season. -
Click Cleanup Families and wait for the action to complete. This may take a minute.
Note: Once this step is complete, all families will be cleaned up to allow new information to be imported, or new registrations to take place. -
(Optional) Click Deactivate ALL Bands and wait for the action to complete. This may take a minute.
Note: This will revoke all swim bands issued in the past season. If your organization requires members and guests retake their band tests it is essential you do this. - (Optional) Update the Guest Visit Count Start Date to be the first day of the new season. This will reset the counters for how many times a guest has come in.
If your organization uses the CRM, deactivate all current registrations and set up registrations for the next season.